(Font of Angels & Its History 19662008)


Article in the following
day’s newspaper

「天使の泉」とは(What’s the Font of Angels?)
●生きる寄付金の行くへ(For what is the donation used?)
収益金寄付(Donation from the Concerts’ income)
天使の森・天使の泉 Forest & Font of Angels
●清水康子「ひとつ」の会主催 (Organizer: “Hitotsu no Kai” led by Yasuco Shimizu)
●新聞 (Newspaper) 清水康子プロフィール(Profile of Yasuco Shimizu.)
毎日新聞・あるがままに普通に(“Mainichi Daily News”: Living Just As We Are
≪終演報告≫Report on Charity Concerts
 2007年度10月23日 〜“生きる”小児がん征圧「天使の泉」in ロータリー〜
〜 Oct. 23, 2007 〜
“To Live” Infants’ Cancer Prevention Charity Concert
 in Rotary Club

“Rotary means the “Sharing Heart”・・・Doesn’t it sound wonderful? *-*
国際ロータリー第2750地区多摩東グループ主催 「インターシティーミーティング」特別企画 9クラブ
Special Program by “Inter-City Meeting” International Rotally Club  2750
East Tama Group (9 clubs)

報告ページ 記入項目によって、お名前敬称略にさせていただいてります。清水康子公演後記は一番下に記入
Report:  In some parts, the titles are omitted from names. 
The reports on charity concerts
are at the bottom.
October 2007 “To Live” Font of Angels in Rotary Ended Newspaper
「国際ロータリークラブ第2750地区」 2007〜2008多摩東グループ:主催

ロータリー vol.36  終演

20072008 organized by East Tama Group
Special Program by Inter-city Meeting
“To Live”FONT OF ANGELS Charity for Prevention & Suppression of Infantile Cancer
by Rotary Club
 vol.36  ended:-
【プログラムの中から、ご挨拶 紹介】 ※当日は、プログラムともに※「命のアサガオ」の種も配布されました。
From the Program ? Greetings & Introduction
Seeds of Morning Glory was distributed to comers, together with the programs.
Rotary International
District 2750
   2007-08年度 多摩東グループ

Rotary International
Year 2007-08 East Tama Group
国際ロータリー第2750地区 ガバナー 坂本 俊雄
 東京多摩グリーンロータリー・クラブをホストに赤尾ガバナー補佐のもと府中市、調布市、多摩市、狛江市、稲城市のロータリアンによりますIntercity Meetingの開催を心からお祝い申し上げます。聖路加国際病院副院長の細谷亮太博士の基調講演「がんと闘う子供たち」、そして清水康子シャンソン歌手の トークとチャリティコンサート「天使の泉」で、会員の皆様に人類愛と感動を与えるものと思います

International Rotary Club District 2750
 Toshio Sakamoto

 Congratulations on the Inter-city Meeting for Rotarians in Fuchu-City, Chofu-City, Tama-City, Komae-City and Inagi-City, hosted by Tokyo Tama Green Rotary Club and assisted by Assistant Governor Mr. Akao.
The keynote lecture titled "Children fighting against Cancer” by Dr. Ryota Hosoya, Vice Director of the Seiruka (St. Luke) Hospital, and talks and charity concert titled “Font of Angels” by Yasuco Shimizu and her fellow singers will give our members love for mankind and warm emotion.

多摩東グループガバナー補佐 赤尾 恭雄
ロータリーは第2世紀の第3ステージを迎え、国際ロータリーは”Rotary Shares”(ロータリーは分かちあいの心)をテーマにスタートいたしました。 我が国際ロータリー第2750地区多摩東グループとしては、インターシティ・ミーティングの開催により、進行する少子化社会の中で幼い命を脅かし続ける小児がんの征圧を社会的緊急課題として提起させていただくことと致しました。ロータリーは永年に亘りポリオ撲滅を不退転の国際的活動として幼い命の救済に努めてまいりましたが、

Yasuo Akao, Assistant Governor of East Tama Group
 Rotary is now on the third stage of the 2nd century, when the International Rotary Club has just started with the theme, “Rotary Shares.”  As the East Tama Rotary Club, District No.2750,
by holding the Intercity Meeting, we have taken up the prevention and suppression of Infant Cancer threatening our precious and
decreasing children, which we believe is one of the most urgent problems in our society. 
As you may know, the Rotary Club has long contributed internationally to the termination of POLIO.  As a result, fortunately the outbreak of POLIO has almost been terminated in our country.  However, we happened to know the fact that promising young lives just around us are still being threatened by infant cancer, and have just recognized that it has to be taken up as our new concern.  Accordingly, it is our great pleasure if we can widely propagate the necessity of “Infant Cancer Prevention & Suppression” campaign.  For that purpose, your warm support would be deeply appreciated.

 IM タ行委員長  藤本 吉文

で幼い命を蝕む小児がんにスポットをあて、聖路加国際病院副院長 小児課部長 細谷亮太先生の特別講演と(財)がんの子供を守る会の近藤博子理事の活動報告又シャンソン歌手として職業を通して永年に亘り小児がん制圧支援活動に尽力されてきた清水康qさんのチャリティコンサートをもって構成いたしました。最後に本日のインターシティ・ミーティングが私たちのこれからの活動に少しでもお役に立てる様な稔りある大会であることを願い私のご挨拶と致します。
HostTokyo Tama Green Rotary Club
Executive Chairman: Yoshifumi Fujimoto
 Dear Rotarians of the East Tama Group, and ladies and gentlemen here, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks, representing the executive committee, for your kind cooperation in the preparation of this 2007-2008 Intercity Meeting of District No.2750 of the International Rotary Club. 

We have organized the executive committee for this program, with the Tokyo Tama Green Rotary Club as the host, as well as the assistance of the Assistant Governor Mr. Akao and the Group Leader Mr. Endo. 
Lighting up Infant Cancer threatening our precious but decreasing children.  The program consists of the special lecture by Dr.
Ryota Hosoya, Vice President of St. Luke International Hospital and Director of the Pediatrics Department there, and the Report by Ms. Hiroko Kondo, Director of “   “ on the activities of that organization, and songs by Ms. Yasuco Shimizu who has long contributed to prevention & suppression of infantile cancer together with her fellow singers.  Finally, we hope that this intercity meeting will be successful for our future activity that this Intercity Meeting will help us continue our activities successfully from now on.

ホストクラブ:東京多摩グリーンロータリークラブ  会長 村上 久

Host: President Hisashi Murakami, Tokyo Tama Green Let me extend our hearty welcome to this Intercity Meeting, on behalf of the East Tama Group!  The theme of the Rotary International is “Rotary is the sharing heart.”  I believe that this theme is the most important theme for our activity.  It is my greatest pleasure if this Intercity Meeting today will prove successful, and will show good guidance for our future activity.
After the meeting, you are quite welcome to the “Apollo Room” on the 4th floor, to enjoy friendly talks freely.  I hope that you will be generous for any inconveniences or incomplete arrangements you may find in our arrangements, as we tried our best to show our warm hospitality.  We shall be honored if you enjoy the program to the last part.  Thank you very much.

10/23日(火) 会場:京王プラザホテル多摩
第一部 pm1:00 登録開始  (総合司会・進行)東グループ幹事遠藤 二郎  杉野 志保子
:00 開会点鐘   2007-2008年度 ガバナー補佐 赤尾恭雄
              国歌斉唱   「君が代」、 ロータリーソング斉唱 「奉仕の理想」
                             ソングリーダー 菊池 敏   ピアノ 菊池 香世
開会挨拶   ガバナー補 佐 赤尾 恭雄
歓迎挨拶   ホストクラブ東京多摩グリーンロータリークラブ会長:村上  久
来賓紹介   ガバナー補 佐 赤尾 恭雄
参加クラブ紹介 ガバナー補 佐 赤尾 恭雄  
2:30 ガバナー挨拶 国際ロータリー 第2750地区    ガバナー 坂本俊雄 
2:40 講師紹介   ガバナー補佐 赤尾 恭雄
2:45 基調講演 テーマ「がんと闘う子供たち」
pm100 Registration (Presiders)Jiro Endo, Secretary of East Group; Shihoko Sugino
00 Starting Bell:Yasuo Akao, Assistant Governor for 2007-2008
             National Anthem “KIMIGAYO” & Rotary Song “Ideal of Serving”
                  Song Leader: Toshi Kikuchi  Piano: Kayo Kikuchi
Opening Address: Yasuo Akao, Assistant Governor
Welcome Address: Hisashi Murakami, President of the Host “Tokyo Tama Green Rotary Club
Introduction of Special Guests:
 Yasuo Akao, Assistant Governor
Introduction of Participating Clubs:  Yasuo Akao, Assistant Governor
30 Greeting by Governor: Toshio Sakamoto, Governor of International Rotary, District 2750 
40 Introduction of Speakers:  Yasuo Akao, Assistant Governor
45  Keynote Speech: “Children Struggling with Cancer” by Dr. Ryota Hosoya
Group Secretary 多摩東グループ
司会進行役 杉野志保子様・ 遠藤 二郎様
村上  久様
Presiders: Ms. Shihoko Sugino & Mr. Jiro Endo
Executive Staff of East Tama Group
Assistant Governor
Mr. Yasuo Akao
District Governor
Mr. Toshio Sakamoto
Mr. Hisashi Murakami
特別講演 pm2:40〜「がんと闘う子どもたち」・・・・・・講演:細谷亮太
国際聖路加国際病院 小児科部長 副院 
財団法人がんの子供を守る会 理事


240 p.m.”Children Struggling with Cancer”・・・・・・
 Speaker Mr. Ryota Hosoya, Director of Pediatrics Dept. and Vice
President of St. Luke International Hospital / Director of Children’s Cancer Association of Japan
細谷亮太 著書
Dr. Hosoya gave his lecture using slides. Books written by Dr. Hosoya
“70 to 80 percent of cancerous children can now recover…,”
said Dr. Hosoya in his lecture.
 清水康子・・・12年前・私がお手伝いをはじめた1996年は頃は、細谷先生が御話のなかで「私が医者になりたての頃、小児がんは「不治の病」でした。」と伺っていました。そして、又、近藤博子さんは、確か、「70〜75パーセントの方が治るようになりました。」とお聞きしていたように思います。・・・それを考えると。現在は「病気は70パーセンとら80パーセントは治る」。。。もう少し もう少し 医学が進み88パーセント、99?いえ、小児がんは治るようにうなりました。と聞けたらどんなに嬉しいことでしょう・・・
 Yasuco Shimizu:  In 1996, 12 years ago when I started helping this campaign, Dr. Hosoya said, “When I became a doctor, infantile cancer could never be recovered.”  And Ms. Hiroko Kondo said “70 to 75 percent of cancerous children can now recover.”…. Today, 70 to 80 percent of them can recover!   How I wish to hear that 88, or 99 percent of them can completely recover in the near future by further development of medical science.
3:30  ……… 休 憩 ………  (15分間)
pm3:45 活動報告 テーマ「小児がん征圧支援活動の実際」 
         講師 近藤 博子 【財)がんの子供を守る会 理事
         講師 清水 康子 清水康子「ひとつ」の会 主宰
330 p.m.  Break ………  (15 minutes)
45 p.m.Report on Activities: Theme:
Actual Condition of Supporting Activities for Infantile Cancer
prevention & Suppression
Speaker:  Ms. Hiroko Kondo, Director of Children’s Cancer Association of Japan
Speaker:  Yasuco Shimizu, Leader of “Hitotsu” no Kai
講演: pm3:40〜「小児がん支援活動」・・・・・・・・講演:近藤博子
財団法人がんの子供を守る会 理事
340 p.m. Lecture by Ms. Hiroko Kondo: “Supporting Activities for Cancerous Children”
   (The speaker is Director of “Children’s Cancer Association of
司会 夏ひろこ
Ms. Hiroko
守る会 近藤博子様
Ms. Hiroko Kondo
清水康子・・・よろしく願いしますね・・と頭が下がるおもいです。清水康子「ひとつ」の会 幹事さん・ファンの方とがんの子供を守る会主催のチャリティーベントなどにも微力ですが、手伝いをさせて頂くこともあります。

Yasuco Shiimizu: I am quite respectful for Ms. Kondo’s organization’s activities including total care for the patient children and their families・・・
A Staff Member of “Hitotsu” no Kai :  I sometimes work with Yasuco’s fans for charity events held by “Hitotsu” no Kai.

講演: pm4:10〜小児がん支援活動「天使の泉」・お話:清水康子 清水康子「ひとつ」の会 代
Speech: 410 p.m. Activity for supporting infantile cancer “Font of Angels” Speaker: Yasuco Shimizu, Chairman of Shimizu Yasuco “Hitotsu no Ka
Yasuco Shimizu
シャンソン: pm4:30〜:清水康子★ゲスト:阿部レイ・椿井 亘  特別参加:松ちづる、岩花淑子
          P:上里知巳 B:大津昌広
Chansons 430 p.m.Yasuco Shimizu
Guest SingersRei Abe & Wataru Tsubai / Chizuru Matsu & Yoshiko Iwahana
PianoTomomi Uesato  aseMasahiro Ohtsu  Presider: Hiroko Natsu (titles omitted)

天使の泉 応援団もお席について

Seated Supporters for “Font of Angels” Charity Donation box on the table
休憩10分 (アポロの間へ移動)
Break: 10 minutes
 (Moved to “Apollo” Room
3階 アポロの間Apollo Room on the 3rd Floor)
懇親会 司会進行 IM実行委員会 海野 栄一 伊澤 ケイ子
pm6:40 開会挨拶   IM実行委員長  藤本 吉文
 乾  杯    ガバナーエレクト    新藤 信之
7:35 寄付金贈呈  多摩東グループ 9クラブ 代表 ガバナー補佐 赤尾 恭雄
            (財)「がんの子供を守る会」  理事 近藤 博子
             毎日新聞東京社会事業団   常務理事 三浦 拓也
7:55 閉会挨拶  IM実行副委員長  菊池 敏
ロータリーソング斉唱「手に手つないで」 ソングリーダー 菊池 敏

Friendly Party
I.. Executive Committee: Mr. Eiichi Unno, Ms. Keiko Isawa640 p.m. Opening Address: I.. Executive Committee Chairman Mr. Yoshifumi Fujimoto
Toasting: Governor Elect Mr. Nobuyuki Shindo
……Free Talking……
35 Presenting of Donation: 
Representative of 9 Clubs of East Tama Group: Assistant Governor Mr. Yasuo Akao 

Ms. Hiroko Kondo, Director of Children’s Cancer Association of Japan
Managing Director of
         “The Mainichi Daily News” Tokyo Social Work Corporation Managing Director Mr. Takuya Miura

55 Closing Address:  I.M. Executive Committee Vice Chairman Mr. Toshi Kikuchi
Rotary Song: “Hand in Hand”  Singing Leader: Mr. Toshi Kikuchi

司会進行 IM実行委員会
海野 栄一様 伊澤 ケイ子
藤本 吉文様
乾  杯
ガバナーエレクト    新藤 信之様
Presiders: I.M.Executive Committee
Mr. Eiichi Unno & Ms. Keiko Izawa
I.M. Executive Chairman
Mr. Yoshifumi Fujimoto
Toast Master
Governor Elect Mr. Nobuyuki Shindo

Introduction of
A Woman President
of other Rotary Club

Donation from 9 Clubs
to the Children’s Cancer

Association of Japan

Donation was received from
Assistant Governor
Mr. Akao.

Counting of donation by “Hitotsu” staff:
The donation boxes were sent frommany places in Japan for this Charity

Tama east rotary group
 Yasuo Akao
(ガバナー補佐 赤尾 恭雄様)より清水康子へ


挨拶三浦様毎日新聞社会事業団 理事

Tokyo Tama green Rotary Club
会長 村上様 と
From East Tama Rotary Group Mr. Yasuo Akao
Assistant Governorto Yasuco Shimizu
Donated to the Mainichi Daily News’ Social Work Corporation for Infantile Cancer Suppression:
 Greeting by Mr. Miura, Director of the Mainichi Daily News’ Tokyo Social Work Corporation

(He expressed deep appreciation for the warm donation.)     

Together with Mr. Murakami,
President of Tokyo
Tama green Rotary Club
 and Ms. Yukiko Kase from
Nagaoka East Rotary Club

≪2007年10月23日公演 ご寄付≫
財団法人がんの子供を守る会 へ \200.000−。  毎日新聞東京社会事業団 「小児がん征圧」へ \263.315−。
≪ The Charity Event of October 23, 2007 kindly donated to:
Children’s Cancer Association of Japan
Mainichi Daily News’ Tokyo Social Work Corporation
「手に手つないで」 ロータリーソング :クラブ参加メンバー
Singing  the Rotary song “Hand in Hand” : by participants
≪2007年10月23日“生きる”小児がん征圧「天使の泉」チャリティー・in ロータリー vol.23公演 ご寄付≫
October 23 2007“To Live” “Font of Angels” Charity in Rotary for Prevention/Suppression of Infantile Cancer vol.23 donated to:
毎日新聞東京社会事業団 「小児がん征圧」へ \263.315−。
        財団法人がんの子供を守る会 へ \200.000−。
Mainichi Daily News’ Tokyo Social Work Corporation
“Suppression of Infantile Cancer” Project
Children’s Cancer Association of Japan
この会を又一歩前進して 広く広報活動が出来ればと思っています。
This vol. 23 was held by cooperation of 9 Rotary Clubs through their representative members, and I sincerely hope that this event will further develop and be more widely publicized.  Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.
〜2007年度“生きる”小児がん征圧「天使の泉」in ロータリー
〜2007 “To Live” Suppression of Infantile Cancer“Font of Angels” in Rotary Club〜
Rotary is Sharing Heart”・・・What a wonderful expression!*-*
国際ロータリー第2750地区多摩東グループ主催 「インターシティーミーティング」特別企画 9クラブ
東京府中ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Fuchu Rotary Club) 東京武蔵府中ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Musashi Fuchu Rotary Club)
週報武蔵府中The Weekly Musashi Fuchu
東京調布ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Chofu rotary club) 東京たまがわロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Tamagawa Rotary Club)
東京多摩ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Tama Rotary Club) 東京多摩グリーンロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Tama Green Rotary Club)
東京狛江ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Komae Rotary Club) 東京調布むらさきロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Chofu purple Rotary Club)
東京稲城ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Inagi Rotary Club) 
The event was reported in members’ newsletters. 
You can read them by linking with the above Englsh club names.

※ Above are only the ones I can remember・・Please let me know if you remember any other  club(s).
Oct. 2007“To Live” Font of Angels’ Charity in RotaryClosed ●NEWSPAPER
ご来賓【会長・副会長・・幹事・メンバー様のご出席を頂いています・有難うございました。 ※記入順位失礼します。
Thank you very much for special attendance of President, Vice President, Managing staff and members

東京八王子ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Hachioji Rotary Club) 東京荏原ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Ebara Rotary Club)
東京八王子南ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Hachioji south Rotary Club) 東京大井ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Oi Rotary Club)
京八王子西ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Hachioji West Rotary Club) 東京芝ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Shiba Rotary Club)
東京立川こぶしロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Tachikawa Kobushi rotary club) 東京恵比寿ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Ebisu Rotary Club)
東京井の頭ロータリー・クラブ(Tokyo Inokashira Rotary Club) 長岡東ロータリー・クラブ(Nagaoka east Rotary Club)
国際ソロプチミスト多摩(International Soroptimist Tama) 国際ソロプチミスト町田(International Soroptimist Machida)
多摩ライオンズクラブ(Tama Lions Club) 多摩ニューターンタイムス(Tama new turn Times)
多摩青年会議所(Tama junior chamber) 潟eレビユー福島郡山(TV-U FUKUSHIMA Koriyama)
毎日新聞東京本社The Mainichi Newspapers Company, Limited) 毎日新聞多摩支社
The Mainichi Daily News,Tama Branch

The 12th year for our activities “Font of Angels” for Prevention/Suppression of Infantile Cancer
The Vol. 36 of our activity was organized by International Rotary Club, which is the organization aimed for serving activities.

清水康子 写真室へ 【2007年「天使の泉」inロータリー公演後記】
清水康子(清水康子「ひとつ」の会 主宰)


今回、国際ロータリークラブ 第2750地区 IM企画の担当幹事・遠藤二郎様(多摩東グループ)よりお話を頂きましたのが、今年2007年の1月でした。『1023日のインターシティーミーティングで 生きる小児がん征圧「天使の泉」の活動を皆様の前でお話下さい』とのご依頼に、夢にまで描いていた奉仕団体グループの皆様に聞いていただける、知っていただける・・・と思い、是非実現・・・そして新しい進展をと心に大きく願ってお受けいたしました。

 その後、国際ロータリー 第2750地区  ガバナー 坂本俊雄様、
多摩東グループ ガバナー補佐 赤尾恭雄様の御理解のもと、多摩東グループ 幹事 遠藤二郎様を窓口に、2007年1月より打合せを開始いたしました。赤尾恭雄様をはじめ、ロータリー担当幹事の皆様との打合せの回数を重ねる中、細谷 亮太先生( 聖路加国際病院 小児科部長 副院長)の特別講演のご快諾もいただくことができました。




 国際ロータリー 第2750地区の勉強会である「インターシティーミーティング」。大切なこの企画にシャンソン歌手を呼んで・・というのは初めてのことと伺い、失礼やご迷惑のないようにと、出演者・裏方のメンバーに行動などの面でも様々なお願いをいたしましたが、みな快く協力してくれたと思っています。

 この度の開催では、多摩東グループ ガバナー補佐 赤尾恭雄様を筆頭に、代表幹事の皆様方に大変お世話になりました。きっと、ご要望は沢山あったと存じますが、行き届かなかった点はどうぞお許しくださいませ。



皆様方のご尽力により、こうして 生きる小児がん征圧「天使の泉」チャリティー・コンサート in ロータリー が開催できましたことを心から感謝申し上げます。

清水康子 写真室へ After the 2007“Font of Angels” in Rotary
by “Hitotsu” no Kai led by Yasuco Shimizu

  12 years have passed since I began my infantile cancer suppression activity.  Each time I was thinking about how to proceed the propagation for suppression of infantile cancer, and with kind acceptance and cooperation I could realize my idea in many places.

When I started, I used to be asked, “What’s the infantile cancer?” or “Does cancer attack a child?”  But recently, many people have come to know the “infantile cancer,” as they were informed by TV and newspapers, and I feel satisfied to have continued this activity..  Yet there still seems to be people who have to be given more information. 
During these years, warm cooperation and supports have been given in many ways by many International Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs and International Sooptimists,

In January 2007, a nice proposal was given to me by Mr. Jiro Endo (East Tama Group) who is in charge of I.M. (Inter-City Meeting) Project by International Rotary Club, District 2750.  He kindly gave me a chance to speak about our “Font of Angels” activity at the Inter-city Meeting on October 23, 2007  I was very, very happy to hear that, since it was my dream to tell about the suppression of infantile cancer in front of such a well-known organization aimed for serving people & society.  So, I gladly accepted his warm offer.

 Later, I started arrangements for the preparation from January, 2007 through Mr. Jiro Endo who is the executive staff of East Tama Group, under kind understanding by Mr. Toshio Sakamoto, Governor of International Rotary Club District 2750 and Mr. Yasuo Akao, Assistant Governor.  As a result of our repeated discussion with responsible persons of Rotary Club, Mr. Ryota Hosoya, Vice President of St. Luke Hospital and Director of the Department of Pediatrics Department of the Hospital, kindly accepted to give his special lecture at the same event.

 My greater pleasure was that the I.M. staff of the Rotary Club kindly sent invitation not only to Rotary members but also to non-Rotary members, including International Soroptimist Tama and Machida, and Tama Lions Club, Tama New Town Times, Tama Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry, etc., and they kindly accepted the invitation.

  On the very day of his speech, Dr. Hosoya had unfortunately an emergent case, but he made his utmost efforts to arrive 30 minutes before the program started.  And even without taking lunch he started his speech about the status of cancerous children and their families as well as the actual cases in the hospital.  Even after his time of lecture, he kindly answered various questions from the participants.

Ms. Hiroko Kondo has introduced the activities of her “Children’s Cancer Association of Japan” so that many people could understand easily.

  I, Yasuco Shimizu, in turn, could not speak out fully what I had planned to tell.  As it was the first time they invited chanson singers to their seminar called “Inter-city Meeting”, I asked other singers and my staff members to keep good manner and polite attitudes, and I was very happy that they willingly cooperated me.

Now I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Yasuo Akao, Assistant Governor of East Tama Group and other I.M. (Inter-City Meeting) executive members and all other staff members for every kind assistance and support given to us.  Please be generous to overlook our shortcomings if any.

 I shall be pleased if this will be an opportunity for all participants from each organization to know more and consider about “Infantile Cancer” so that our activity will develop step by step.

 As my personal power is quite small and limited, I sincerely hope that your Rotary Club, as an experienced social serving organization, will take up this activity as one of your projects.

I am quite grateful to you all for all your cooperative efforts and the successful result of our “To Live” Font of Angels Charity Concert for Suppression of Infantile Cancer in Rotary.  Thank you very, very much.

 清水康子「ひとつ」の会からは、幹事の歌手の椿井 亘さん 司会の夏ひろこさんがステージ協力。
 早朝からの手伝いを頂いた、幹事:宮田 修さん・池上知佐子さん・野辺修司カメラン、有難うございました。
から長岡東ロータリーの加瀬由紀子様が柏崎市「絵本のサバト」代表 西川さまをお誘いくださりご参加くださいました。
群馬“生きる”小児がん征圧「天使の泉」の会場を8年間ご提供をしてくださっていた、大理石村・ロックハート城・ホテルベラビータの常務取締役 平井俊子様( 国際ソロプチミスト利根ぬまた パスト)もご出席の予定でしたが、急用が入り 当日のご連絡でお出かけになれませんでしたが、開催当日までに何度もお電話を頂き、この度の開催を大変喜んでくださっていたお一人です。

 The staff members of Yasuco’s “Hitotsu” no Kai, Mr. Wataru Tsubai, a singer, and Ms. Hiroko Natsu, presider, cooperated in staging.  And my other staff members were Mr. Osamu Miyata and Ms. Chisako Ikegami who worked from early in the morning, and Mr. Shuji Nobe helped as a cameraman.  Mr. Sadayuki Okuda also joined them a little later. Ms. Yukiko Kase of Nagaoka East Rotary also participated together with Ms. Nishikawa, Representative of “Ehon no Sabato” which is a voluntary group in Kashiwazaki City, Niigata, which was established the local people suffering from the recent big earthquake.
  To the “Ehon no Sabato”, I gave a book signed by Dr. Hosoya, the write, as a gift, for the city of
Kashiwazaki which was damaged by the unexpected earthquake.

Ms. Toshiko Hirai, Standing Executive Manager of the Rock Heart Castle and Hotel Bella Vita and a member of Inernational Soroptimist Numata, who has kindly offered the space for our “Font of Angels” activity for these 8 years, was also expected to attend this event, but unfortunately she could not come due to an unexpected urgent work.  She had expressed her pleasure for this event, by giving me many, many phone calls. 

IImportant Activities by Yasuco Shimizu, a Chanson Singer


柏崎市 絵本のサバト 代表西川様も
長岡東ロータリーの加瀬由紀子様 下段左
President of Ai Print Co. and his wife,
Mr. & Mrs. Ito ,
have also attended the event. 
They helped in printing of the program.
Ms. Nishikawa, Representative of
“Ehon no Sabato” visited us
(the 2nd from the right).
Ms. Yukiko Kase of Nagaoka East Rotary
is the left in the front row.
カゲで支えてくださる 力強い方々。 清水康子「ひとつ」の会の幹事さんや応援者
Strong supporting people and staff members of my “Hitotsu” no Kai

音響;小林 清さん

幹事の宮田 修さんは、朝早くから一日中 
終演まで音響の手伝。 頭が下がります。
YASUKO SHIMIZU Mr. Kiyoshi Kobayashi was in charge of  sounding. Mr. Shu Miyata as our staff
He helped us in sounding all day long from early morning.
I’m very, very thankful for his efforts.
夏さん&宮田さん 幹事:池上知佐子さん
伊藤ご夫妻 と ユーテレビ福島の前田様

Ms. Natsu & Mr. Miyata

Ms. C. Ikegami
was in charge of
 Dr. Hosoya’s books.

supporters watching our activities:
Mr. & Mrs. Ito & Mr. Maeda
of U-TV Fukushima

小児がん征圧「天使の泉」 in ロータリーが開催されました。その協力に対し、
 津軽三味線「紫鳳会」 中西紫鳳、元島善嶺、片岡由紀枝、グループ出演。
◆多摩京王プラザホテル 4F「たちばなの間」 
 開会pm18:00〜 pm19:00〜親睦会

:会も終わガバナー補佐:赤尾様 幹事:遠藤様を交え、お茶を飲みながら、現在の小児がん征圧「天使の泉」の活動や開催する気持ちなどを聞いt頂きました。
お話を終えて、清水康子「ひとつ」の会 幹事の二名と中西先生3名を交え記念写真を
幹事:宮田さん 清水康子 中西先生
ガバナー補佐:赤尾 恭雄様・遠藤二郎
January 22 (Tue.), 2008
We received a commemorative shield from International Rotary Club District 2750, East Tama Group (Representing 9 clubs and executivemembers for this event)
On October 23, 2007, the Intercity Meeting of International Rotary Club District 2750 was held, in which “Font of Angels” for Suppresion of Infantile Cancer in Rotary was included as a special program.  The shield was given to us by Rotary Club as a token of thanks for our cooperation.  This is a great honor for us “Hitotsu”noKai.
It is my great pleasure to report this to you all.  Thank you very, very much

Social Party 7
00p.m.Presentation Ceremony attended by:  Rotary Club: President & Executive members of Rotary Club
Yasuco Shiizu “Hitotsu” no Kai:Ms.Ikegami & Mr. Miyata
“Shiho-kai”, a group of  Tsugaru-Samisen (a Japanese tradi-tional string instrument): Mr. Shiho Nakanishi, Mr.Yoshimine Motojima & Ms.Yukie Kataoka
◆ Tama Keio Plaza Hotel 4th F. at “Tachibana Room”
 from 18001900Social Party

特別講演: pm2:40〜「がんと闘う子どもたち」・・・・・・講演:細谷亮太
聖路加国際病院副院長 小児科部長
東北大学 (1972年卒)  日本小児科学会専門医 日本血液学会専門医
日本小児科学会評議員 日本小児がん学会理事 日本小児血液学会評議員
財団法人がんの子供を守る会 理事

細谷亮太 国際聖路加国際病院 小児科部長 副院長 プロフィール>

講演: pm3:40〜「小児がん支援活動」・・・・・・・・講演:近藤博子
財団法人がんの子供を守る会 理事
近藤博子 財団法人がんの子供を守る会 理事 <プロフィール>
大学卒業後14年間小学校の教員をする。夫の転勤でドイツにて4年間を過ごす。社会事業大学に編入する。平成6年よりソーシャルワーカーとして働くき。現在は財団法人がんの子供を守る会 理事として在籍、講演活動に、患者家族からのの信頼も厚く、日々忙しくすごしている。
講演: pm4:10〜小児がん支援活動「天使の泉」・お話:清水康子
清水康子「ひとつ」の会 代表
清水 康子    東京都出身   日本シャンソン協会正会員。
歌を通じてのチャリティー活動にも力を注ぎ、特に1996年より広く小児がん征圧を訴えるため、“生きる”小児がん征圧「天使の泉」チャリティーコンサートを主催。全国各地で開催され、35公演を数える。1999年より、日米文化交流イベント「ホノルルフェスティバル」に『清水康子と歌手の仲間たち』の団体で9年連続参加、ハワイ主催財団より7年連続で『貢献賞』を授与。ミレニアムの2000年には、団体名が刻まれた記念プレートがホノルル・シェラトン・モアナ・サーフライダー・ホテルの海側の街燈のそばに設置された。また、2006年11月には、パリで行われた日仏文化交流の「SAMURAI JAPON 2006」 に、『CHANSON清水康子「ひとつ」の会』として参加、多くの来場者から好評を博し、2007年度の「SAMURAI JAPON 2007」(Troyes、Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire市の2公演)に歌手、実行委員と活躍。
<2007年度 現在のプロフィール>
司会: 夏ひろこ フリーアナウサー 
株式&ニュース キャスター、英語司会、東京アナウンスアカデミー講師。

東京都出身。学生時代より趣味のスポーツを活かし、国際ヨットレースやゴルフトーナメントなどのリポーター、また水泳インストラクターとして活動。TBS「奥様広場」「TVジャンクション」、テレビ朝日「モーニングショー」、フジ「らくらくTOKIO」、インターFMラジオショッピング等、TV番組を中心にラジオ、各種イベント司会、ナレーション等、幅広く活躍。一方90〜93年、米ミネアポリスを拠点とし、コーディネーターとしてコンピューターネットワーク、環境教育、ティーチャーズコンファレンス等に参加。科学的研究、冒険、環境教育をテーマとする「国際北極プロジェクト」、「Boat Project」を手がけるなど、多岐にわたって活動中。趣味はゴルフ、ローラーブレイド、ヨット、仏教美術、特技は茶道(松風流)。

「命のアサガオ」 ・・・・2007年も「天使の泉」幹事さんが育ててくださっています。



2:40p.m.〜“Children Struggling with Cancer”・・・・・・Speaker: Dr. Ryota Hosoya,
Vice President of St. Luke International Hospital & Its Pediatries Dept.
Graduated from Tohoku Univ. (1972)
 Specialist Doctor of Japan Pediatries Society & of Japan Blood Society
A Council Member of Japan Pediatries Society
Board Member of Japan Infantile Cancer SocietyA Council Member of Japan Infantile Blood Society 
A Council member of The Japan Society of Clinical Hematology, and a board member of Children’s Cancer Association of Japan

Profile of Dr. Ryota Yosoya  Born in 1948 in Yamagata Pref.   Currently President of St. Luke International Hospotal and Director of the Pediatrics Department of the hospital.  After graduating from the Medical Departent of Tohoku University, he worked at St. Luke International Hospital Pediatrics Department.  Later he worked for M.D. Anderson Hospital Pediatrics Department of the Cancer Institute of University of Texas, U.S.A. in order to get trained and to study high technology for infantile cancer.  Now he is the Director of the Pediatrics Department of St. Luke International Hospital.  He is the author of “The Four Seasons in Children’s Ward” (published by Iwanami Gendai Bunko), “What I Could and Couldn’t do as a Doctor − From a Hospital Beside the River” (Pocket Books Plus Alpha by Kodansha Co.), “My Life” (a picture book by Iwasaki Shoten Co.) and so forth..


3:40p.m.〜“Supporting Activities for Cancered Children”・・・・・・・・Speaker: Ms. Hiroko Kondo,Board Member of “      

Ms. Hiroko Kondo’s Profile

Has worked as a teacher at a primary school for 14 years after graduation from college.  Spent 4 years in Germany, accompanying her husband who was sent there on business.  After coming back to Japan, she entered Japan College of Social Work.  Then started working as a social worker in 1994.  Now she is busy giving lecture, P.R. activities, helping families of children with cancer, etc. as a  board member of “Children’s Cancer Association of Japan”


4:10p.m.〜“Font of Angels” Activities for Supporting Cancered ChildrenSpeaker: Ms. Yasuco Shimizu, Representative of Shimizu Yasuco “Hitotsu” no Kai

Profile of Yasuco Shimizu:  Born in Tokyo and now a member of the Japan Chanson Association
 After being trained by Mr. Susumu Murakami, a late singer, Yasuco began her singing career, and has since been singing at concerts, dinner shows, etc.  She is also active in charity programs through singing.  Especially since 1996, she has organized charity concerts named “Font of Angels” for suppression of infantile cancer in many places in Japan, counting 35 vols. until now. 
  Since 1999, she has participated 9 times continuously in “Honolulu Festival”, an event for cultural exchange between
Japan and U.S., as a leader of her singers’ group “Yasuco Shimizu and Her Fellow Singers”.  For such continuous contribution to the festival, she has been awarded 7 times with the “Prize of Contribution”.  In the millennium year 2000, a commemorative plate was built with the name of her group beside a light on the seaside of Honolulu Sheraton Moana Surf Rider Hotel.  In November, 2006, she also participated in an event called “SAMURAI JAPON”, an cultural exchange event between Japan and France held in Paris under the name of “CHANSON Shimizu Yasuco ‘Hitotsu’ no Kai” and was welcomed by many audience.  In 2007, she also participated in “SAMURAI JAPON 2007” as a singer as well as an executive committee member.She and her group sang at two cities, Troyes and Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire.
My Profile of  2007 Current Profie


Ms. Hiroko Natsu   (Freelance Announcer) 
Caster on stock market & news; M.C. in English, Trainer at Tokyo Announcing Acadey.

Born in
Tokyo  Since she was a college student, she has been active as a sports caster in international yacht races, golf tournaments, etc., as well as a swimming instructor.  She has also been an active announcer for TV and radio (Inter-FM Radio Shopping, etc.), various events, as well as a narrator.  On the other hand, during 19901993, she participated in computer networks, environmental education as well as a teachers’ conference as a coordinator, with her base in Minneapolis in U.S.  She is also taking responsibility for “the International North Pole Project under the theme of scientific study, adventure and environmental education, and “Boat Project”.  She is especially interested in golf, roller blade, yacht, Buddhist Art and is licensed in tea ceremony (Matsukaze school).

It is my hope that this event organized for the first time by International Rotary Club will be
successful and that someday here in Tama City or any other place, we will be able to realizethe “Font of Angels” Charity Concert with kind cooperation of Rotary’s leaders, for thepurpose of publicizing our activities for suppression of infantile cancer.

翻訳 船倉淳子
Translated by (Ms.) Junko Funakura

