Production Summary

Chain Saw

Various types of chain saw available

STIHLchain saw, accessories etc.

HASQUBANAchain saw, accessories etc.

ZENOHAchain saw, accessories etc.

We have ample stocks and related goods suchi as saw-chain, chain-oil.



Various types of cutter available

STIHLcutter, accessories etc.

NIKKARIcutter, accessories etc.

ROBINcutter, accessories etc.

ZENOHAcutter, accessories etc.

We have ample stocks and related goods such as chip-saw, engine-oil.



Dedicated person-in-charge standing by

Standing by qualified person who have ample expertises with swiftness, carefull and accuracy.

Chain Saw & Cutter

Chain Saw & Parts Available

We are doing business with majnor manufacturers, STIHL, HASQUBANA, ZENOHA etc.
We have ample stocks and related goods suh as saw-chain, chain-oil and accessories.
We are supposed to shakedown a product.

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Cutter & Parts Available

We are doing business with major manufacturers, STIHL, NIKKARI, ROBIN, ZEOHA etc.
We have ample stocks and related goods such as chip-saw, engin-oil and accessories.
We are supposed to shakedown a product.

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Maintenance Department

Standing by qualified person who have ample expertises with swiftness, carefull and accuracy.

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Ample Stocks Available

We have ample stocks and related goods todeal with quick delivery.
Using 'On-Line Order System' toward manufacturer's delivery center.

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