Abstract Top
Workshop H
Saturday 21, November, 2004
09:30 - 10:30, No.2 Conference Room

Workshop H
Asbestos and Shipyards
Chairs: Hirotaro Miura and Claudio Bianchi

Findings of Chest X-rays and Asbestos-Related Diseases among Workers of a Shipyard
Meiro Haruta, Yuji Natori
Yokosuka Chuo Clinic, Japan


Among the findings of chest X-rays of 519 male retirees of A shipyard who consulted our clinic during fourteen years, small granular opacities corresponding to category 1-3 were found in 66 men(12.7%) , and small irregular opacities corresponding to category 1-3 were found in 496 men(95.6%) including almost all job categories in a shipyard. Pleural changes due to asbestos exposure were found in 320 men(61.7%). Irregular opacities are seen still now in new patients who came our clinic after investigated period.
On the other hand, 118 men(22.7%) were certified to No.2-4 by the classifications of supervision of pneumoconiosis, 42 men(8.1%) were compensated for complications or classification No.4. Finally 21 men(4.0%) died for lung cancer, pleural mesothelioma or respiratory failure.