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Poster Sessions
    Friday 19, November, 2004, 12:30-18:30, (16:00-17:00, Q&A) No.3 CR
Saturday 20, November, 2004, 09:30-18:30, (16:00-17:00, Q&A) No.3 CR
  Sunday 21, November, 2004, 09:30-12:30, No.3 CR

Poster Sessions

Asbestos and Cancer Swallow Egyption Workers in Eleven Companies for Asbestos Prodeces
Rahma Refaat
Lawyer, Center for Trade Union and Workers Services, Egypt


In the 21st century it is appalling that workers are still being occupationally exposed to asbestos, but it is the reality. More than ten thousands workers in Egypt are continuing to be put at serious risk in eleven companies for Asbestos produces; these companies are:
  1. Egyptian pipes & Cement products -Siegwart [Public Sector]
  2. Egyptian Company for spiral springs-Yayat [Public Sector]
  3. Egyptian Spanish Asbestos- Aura Misr
  4. Mounir Kamel Louca & Co.
  5. Sigora Trade & Integrated Contracting
  6. Safa Trade & Supplies
  7. United Trading Organization [U. T. O]
  8. Asbestos Egyptian Factories-Ismail Tawfik &
  9. Egyptian-Italian Brakes MIB-Misr Brakes
  10. Eng. Mahmoud El-Guindy Plastic Equipment
  11. Ahmed Hamed Shahat Sons
Occupational asbestos exposures have been rife at these companies out of exposure limits and safety measures applied. Serious measures haven't been taken to provide workers neither during nor after the period of their employment with the medical of biological examinations or other tests of investigations.
Although the Egyptian authorities has drawn up a ministerial decree in 1998 preventing asbestos' importing, a step back has been taken after two months& a half in response to the business world and employers' pressure. The Minster of Interior Commerce (who had issued the first decree) has issued a new one [no. 97/1999] to permit importing asbestos and derogation from prohibition tells the asbestos-produces' companies can re-adjust their situation. All of these companies-even the public sector ones- haven't taken any steps to re-adjust their situation tell now.
The National institute of Occupational Safety and Health [governmental institute] has been studying the influences of the occupational exposure to asbestos fibers on the respiratory system. The examined population comprised 556 subjects: of whom 476 were currently exposed to asbestos-cement dust mixture for varying durations of exposure, in Siegwart company (*) , and 80 control subjects, never exposed to asbestos cement dust mixtures in their jobs, of nearly the same ages and socio-economic standard as the exposed group. On the other hand a samples of workplace environment have been taken and measured.

(*)Siegwart company is an asbestos cement pipe factory located in Helwan [ to the south of the grater Cairo City]. Number of employees : 4500 persons.

The outcome of this research has been as coming below:
The concentration of asbestos fibers in the labour environment have reached high rates-especially at the pipe cutting operation [82.13f/ml] which is incomparable with the exposure limits.
Three hundred and thirty-one exposed workers [69.54%] had one or more of clinical manifestations [ dry cough, productive cough, haemoptysis or coughing blood..]
The study has noted that most of Asbestos hazards have no cure so far and once any of these diseases sets in, it progressively aggravates. Clinical manifestations, of different patterns, are proportionally propagate with exposure period, as they affected 40.63% of the exposed workers who were spent less than 5 years in the plant,59.77% of those employed for 10-15 years, 81.52% of those worked for 15-20 years, 83.02% of workers employed for 20-25 years and 86.05% of workers employed for more than 25 years.

It has been expected that 21.85% of the exposed workers have gotten asbestosis. Although the mention research have been undertaken more than ten years ago, raising many recommendations, more than 10 thousands workers still exposed to asbestos in the course of work out of all exposure limits and safety measures applied.

The Ora-Egypt Company for asbestos products
This company has been undertaking its activities for asbestos products in 10th of Ramadan city since 1983 has used to neglect the necessary safety measures and standards. The 120 workers in this company are exposing to asbestos out of exposure limits and other exposure criteria, and as a result, 46 out of them have gotten cancer.
The Ora-Egypt Company workers had organized a strike-in demanding the Egyptian authorities to close up the factory and not to re-open unless the owner guarantees the necessary safety measures and standards.
In the matter of Ora-Egypt workers problem, our center have filed a petition against asbestos industry in Egypt. It was an occasion to interact with the workers raising their demands to stop the murder crime committed in purpose towards them.
In the scope and light of the facts and details we filed the case to different parties and concerned institutions, and recently the parliament health committee recommended to stop asbestos industry.
But on the other hand the business world, employers, and even some governmental parties and administrations pressured.. and we still try!!