Abstract Top
Poster Sessions
    Friday 19, November, 2004, 12:30-18:30, (16:00-17:00, Q&A) No.3 CR
Saturday 20, November, 2004, 09:30-18:30, (16:00-17:00, Q&A) No.3 CR
  Sunday 21, November, 2004, 09:30-12:30, No.3 CR

Poster Sessions

Airborne Asbestos Concentration Measurements and Preventive Measures against Asbestos Exposure at Construction Worksites
Naoki Toyama, et al.
Tokyo Occupational Safety and Health Center, Japan


More than 90% of imported asbestos was used for construction materials, and most of the asbestos materials are existing now. Japanese construction workers who work at demolition sites and reconstruction sites have been exposed asbestos, and risk control of asbestos will be necessary for long time in the future. Various kinds of construction worksites, from small wooden house to steel-reinforced concrete are existing, and there are many kinds of asbestos materials such as air-bone asbestos, drywall, ceiling boards, plumbing pipes. Thus construction workersf exposure of asbestos is uneven. The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual conditions of workersf exposure of asbestos by measurement of airborne asbestos concentration in construction demolition worksites and to estimate effectiveness of preventive measures by comparing the concentration of asbestos with preventive measures and without preventive measures. According to the recommendation of Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) of The Japan Society for Occupational Health, airborne asbestos should be controlled under 0.1f/cc. There is every possibility that construction workers breaking asbestos materials without preventive measures are exposed to levels of asbestos exceeding OEL, and airborne asbestos concentration can be controlled under OEL by effective prevention measures, anti-scattering measures and enclosures.