Abstract Top
Poster Sessions
    Friday 19, November, 2004, 12:30-18:30, (16:00-17:00, Q&A) No.3 CR
Saturday 20, November, 2004, 09:30-18:30, (16:00-17:00, Q&A) No.3 CR
  Sunday 21, November, 2004, 09:30-12:30, No.3 CR

Poster Sessions

4 Wives and A Solicitor
Mary Nicol, Carolynne Cooke, Jan Rogers, Ann Howells
Asbestos Awareness Wales, the U.K.


It is the intention of this poster presentation to give an overview of the methodology used to set up a support group for asbestos victims and families in Wales.
It discusses the ongoing aims and objectives of this particular group and the means being deployed to achieve them despite geographical difficulties.
Whilst we acknowledge global differences such as cultural, geographical and those of a political nature, we nevertheless feel that as human beings we are united in support of banning the use of asbestos. We believe it is in this united front that our strength lies.
To individuals who might be thinking of setting up such a group but who might not know where to begin, we hope that this poster offers some ideas and encouragement.