Abstract Top
Poster Sessions
    Friday 19, November, 2004, 12:30-18:30, (16:00-17:00, Q&A) No.3 CR
Saturday 20, November, 2004, 09:30-18:30, (16:00-17:00, Q&A) No.3 CR
  Sunday 21, November, 2004, 09:30-12:30, No.3 CR

Poster Sessions

Incidence of Mesothelioma in New South Wales (NSW) Australia
Anthony Johnson
Workers Compensation Dust Diseases Boadr of New South Wales, Australia


Australia has been one of the highest users of asbestos per capita in the world. We report the incidence of Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) in NSW for the last 15 years and compare these data with other published figures.
The numbers of incident MM cases from 1985E001 were sourced from the Australian Mesothelioma Surveillance Program (AMSP), Australian Mesothelioma Register (AMR), NSW Central Cancer Registry (CCR) and Dust Diseases Board (DDB).
Between 1985 and 2001 the DDB saw the number of cases compensated for MM rise from 25 per year to almost 100. Notification of cancers in NSW is a statutory requirement. The CCR reported over 150 notifications of MM per year by the end of the period observed. The AMR is a continuation of the AMSP, which began in 1980 as a formal voluntary notification scheme. Cross checks with cancer registries are regularly performed. Our results show the AMR reported annual case numbers approximately similar to those of the CCR for the same period. Conclusion: The incidence of mesothelioma in NSW continues to increase. The incidence rate in males in NSW (4.5 per 100000 per year) is amongst the highest in the world. The commonest industry in which cases reported asbestos exposure was the building industry (21%). Asbestos was widely used up until the 19707's in NSW meaning the incidence of mesothelioma is likely to continue to increase.