bice Discography

Sound Track Album
2003.6.4 Instore
【「きみはペット」オリジナル・サウンドトラック 】                   
1. red baloon
2. dream kitchen
3. my soup has gotten cold
4. unchained monologue
5. The nude contract
6. who is momo?
7. red baloon(gentle version)
8. moody ark
9. long nights gone
11 the girl rides again
12.a sloppy life
13.unchained monologue
   (love affair version)

14.absence of mind
16.Red Baloon(ドキッ・ドキドキVersion)
what is a Charm?
18.feeling lazy
unchained monologue
20.long nights gone(front door version)
come to an end

2nd Album
2002.4.17 Instore
【let love be your destiny】
1 . Talk Talk
2 . The Girl in The Letters
3 . Cloudy Sky
4 . blossm diary
5 . Linsey de Butterfly
6 . Slow dive
7 . Walking in the rain
8 . ハムラビラヴ
9 . 私とポールの事
10 . 悲しき鳥
11 . 包んであげる

1st Album
2001.7.4 Instore
1. K garden
2. An Apple a day
3. Young and so innocent
4. コスモス
5. 嵐が丘
6. とまどい(interlude)
7. 真夏の風はクルクル
8. Green Cherry
9. deep
10. ツイオク
11 She
12. I wanna take you home

Sound Track Album
2001.6.6 Instore
【「ムコ殿」オリジナル・サウンドトラック 】                   
1. From living room
2. The pink room
3. No need to worry
4. 絆
5. 約束
6. 7TRUTHS 7LIES〜ヴァージンロードの彼方で
   (Instrumental Version)

7. Funny
8. Under a cloud
9. Nostalgie
10.From living room(Orchestra Version)
11 Empty glass
12.Silver egg
14.No need to worry(Orchestra Version)
16.絆(p.f.Solo Version)
17.ひとりぼっちのハブラシ(Orchestra Version)

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