Saturday 20, November, 2004 17:45 - 19:30, No.2 Conference Room Workshop F Victims and Support Organizations Chairs: Kazunori Uekusa and Kyla Sentes
Mrs. Michele Olivia Hax Fite Member, National Board of Directors, White Lung Association, the U.S.A ABSTRACT The psycho-social effects of asbestos disease on the victim and the victim's family echo the tragedy of asbestos exposure. Due to drastic cuts in health care in the United States, as well as precarious benefits both through governmental and legal channels, asbestos victims are continually being emotionally and physically disenfranchised. The course of asbestos disease is difficult to chart. Victims' health and their ability to be functioning members of society and family life has a pendulum on highs and lows. The unpredictability of activities of daily living (ADL) functions creates a great deal of stress to the victims and the victims' family. This stress exacerbates the physical and mental health problems caused by asbestos. Survival coping skills require a team approach the basis of which is a victim's advocacy organization. Speaker has a Bachlos of Science in Nutrition and a Masters of Social Work. She is a Licensed Certified Social Worker-Clinical. She also holds Black Belt in Shodan budo Taijutsu and teaches women's self defense. |