Friday 19, November, 2004 13:30 - 16:00, International Conference Hall Plenary Session 2 Environmental Exposure, Crisis Preparedness and Risk Communication Chairs: Mari Christine and Oshima Sumiko
Atsushi Terazono1, Shin-ichi Sakai1, Hiroshi Takatsuki2 1 National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan 2Environment Preservation Center, Kyoto University, Japan ABSTRACT: After The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake that occurred in Japan in 1995, ambient asbestos concentration increased widely over the stricken zone. To determine the relationship between this concentration increase and asbestos emitted from buildings, we performed measurements and researched the emission of asbestos that occurs when toppled buildings are demolished, then em-ployed a diffusion model to examine the effects on the concentration increase. First we determined the use of sprayed-on asbestos in buildings of the earth-quake zone. We also investigated asbestos emission on sites where sprayed-on asbestos was used. Then we found that demolition without pre-removal caused the most concern about asbestos emissions and impacts on surrounding areas. Finally, based on the estimated amounts of asbestos emission in the earthquake area, we employed the plume-puff model to calculate the contribution of emis-sions to the increased asbestos concentration at actual sampling points for monitoring. Results showed a weak positive correlation between calculated values for asbestos concentration rise and actually measured values. |