Friday 19, November, 2004, 12:00 - 18:00, No.3 Conference Room Saturday 20, November, 2004, 12:00 - 18:00, No.3 Conference Room Asbestos Pictures
Noor Jehanh Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Peshawar, Pakistan ABSTRACT: Various facts has been recorded and documented in the form of photographs regarding the environmental health hazards and risks of asbestos in different locations in Pakistan. These locations include the inadequate and improper handling, storage, transpiration and uses of pure and mixture of asbestos products in mining, crushing, grinding, processing and products of local as well as imported asbestos found in scrapes of old ships in Pakistan (Fig 1- 10). These pictures are the self-explanatory qualitative and quantitative document of environmental health hazards and Risks in Pakistan. During my recent visit to Thailand, I collected some data in the form of pictures in various cities including Bangkok, Chumbori and Pathaia regarding the huge amount of asbestos consumption in various products and their mishandling in various industrial sectors. Those pictures give the overview and the overall present and future status of the asbestos health risks in Thailand. According to my observations Thailand may be the one among the few countries in the world, where the asbestos disaster may occur in the coming few years time in the future |